Title Abstracting / Recording & Closing Services

We believe in delivering fast
and accurate title abstracting,
with personalized service!

Corporate Representative:
J. Ryan Ham
Title Abstracting, Divisional Manager
Cell: (859) 539-5707
Office: (800) 688-4039

Cosmopolitan Title is committed to providing our clients personalized service and products that are accurate and affordable, while maintaining the highest of standards. We offer title abstracting and recording services for agriculture, commercial, residential, REO and more.

Title Search Fees & Statewide Coverage Areas:
Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio & Tennessee

*Call for all additional states & pricing

Current Owner Search: $85.00 + Copies($1 per page)
2 Owner Search: $95.00 + Copies($1 per page)
30 Year Search: $150.00 + Copies($1 per page)
Update Search: $50.00 + Copies($1 per page)
Lien Search: $50.00 + Copies($1 per page)

*All other requests (Foreclosure, Pre-Foreclosure, Commercial, REO, etc) will be priced upon request at a competitive rate.

Contact Cosmopolitan Title Today!